Shortcomings of Current Approaches

While these solutions represent significant progress in the fight against MEV, they also have limitations:

Limited Scope

Many existing solutions, such as Flashbots, primarily address the transparency and fairness of MEV distribution among miners and traders but do not eliminate the underlying issue of MEV. This means that, while the symptoms may be mitigated, the disease persists.

Centralization Risks

Solutions like MEV-Boost, while innovative, introduce new centralization concerns, as the selection of block builders and the distribution of MEV opportunities could become concentrated among a few entities.

Accessibility and Complexity

Private transaction services and decentralized sequencing mechanisms can be complex to implement and use, limiting their accessibility to the broader community. This complexity can create barriers to entry for smaller players, inadvertently favoring more technically sophisticated users.

Security Concerns

Any system that alters the transaction selection or ordering process introduces new attack vectors. Ensuring the security of these solutions is paramount, as vulnerabilities could be exploited to undermine the network.

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